FM WORLD е бързо развиваща се компания, лидер в производството на парфюми. Тя е създадена от млади хора, което ни позволява бързо да отговаряме на нуждите и желанията на нашите клиенти и дистрибутори. Предлагаме ви богата гама от аромати от всички видове: свежи, цветни, ориенталски, дървесни, плодови и много други.. Нашите основни цели са:

  • винаги налични продукти и то на най-добрите възможни цени
  • пълна удовлетвореност на клиенти и дистрибутори
  • отлично обслужване и задоволяване на заявките от клиенти

Бихме искали нашите дистрибутори да станат и пионери във FM Group, като развиват маркетинговите си структури. Каним ви да си сътрудничите и да се включите в нашата компания и заедно да я направим по-силна.

Следвайте ни:
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are delighted to offer you our products branded in the name of FM GROUP. The idea of creating exclusive cosmetic line was born during Artur’s Trawinski (chief executive officer of the FM GROUP POLAND) annual stay in Australia. After he had returned to Poland he decided to realize his idea. Looking for perfect products he got many propositions for collaboration from many different companies, however, he decided to co-operate with the company he knew well run by his father. His company has been producing perfumes for 10 years. Fragrance for the perfumes is created by the one of the biggest companies in the world with the 100 years tradition which is growing up very fast and has its bases in Europe, Australia, Africa, United States and Brazil. FM does not sell fakes. You will never see another logo on our products. Only ours. We don’t pretend to be anything or anyone else. The packaging is FM, the ingredients are FM, the models and image campaign are all FM, and the names of our perfumes are FM numbers. The only reason you might think it is “fake” is because our scents are all inspired by the top 150 perfumes in the world. But let us tell you: Fact #1 85% of designer perfumes are made by the same company that supplies us with our ingredients in Europe. Fact #2 is that our perfume is graded higher. So if you have been settling for Eau de Toilette all your life and have been paying hundreds, you can now enjoy the scent that you deserve and upgrade to a more concentrated fragrance and pay less. This is the wonderful offer that FM is giving the world!
Защо да се присъединим към FM Group?

  • Висококачествени, ексклузивни аромати на достъпни цени
  • Луксозни парфюмни продукти
  • По нещо за всеки
  • Пълноцветни гланцови каталози

  • Вашият собствен гъвкав бизнес
  • Свобода на работа, гъвкаво време
  • Не е необходим опит
  • Приятелска поддръжка, когато имате нужда от нея

  • Instant Retail Commission
  • Generous Bonuses
  • Chance to Share in Worldwide Turnover
  • Opportunity to Qualify for Car Program

  • Unlimited Income Potential
  • Fun Way to Make Money
  • Products People Want
  • Mini Starter Kit just 85 BGN

 DID YOU KNOW THAT… Fashion companies such as Armani, Gucci, Hugo Boss, Burberry, Lancôme, Estee Lauder and many others, do not actually make their own perfume but buy the fragrances from companies such as Drom Fragrances International?
 DID YOU KNOW THAT… A company such as Christian Dior pays over $100 million a year on promotion and marketing for which we, the consumer, pay for?
DID YOU KNOW THAT… the FM Group, buy all their perfume concentrates from Drom Fragrances International, but use less water and alcohol, therefore creating a better quality product?
THE FM GROUP BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY – You can start your own business with the world’s fastest growing perfume company that has expanded into more than 50 countries. FM is a world-wide company that lets you start your business from almost anywhere in the world. Start making money immediately plus have the opportunity to qualify for a share of up to 12% of the company worldwide turnover every month. The FM GROUP is a cosmetic business opportunity that has proved that it can help you change your life, either working at it part time or going for it full time. Many people are becoming successful, some of them did not expect the success that the FM Group cosmetic business has brought their way, yet some started the business as a way to earn just a few extra hundred EUR, to pay for a holiday or bills and it ended up being their biggest source of income. The thing is they understood what many people do mis, they saw cosmetic business as an opportunity for their success and a way of saving money, and decided to join in and help others enjoy the benefits that were brought to them by the FM Group. Join FM WORLD Bulgaria, FM Group offers a business opportunity with a low start-up cost. The start-up cost is simply the cost of sample perfumes and no membership fees.
FM ГРУП ви предлага невероятна възможност да подобрите качеството на живота си и да си изградите източник на допълнителни доходи! FM Group привлича сътрудници, които се стремят да имат повече, да контролират живота и свободното си време, да изкарват пари по приятен начин. Може би това сте точно Вие? Готови ли сте да учите нови неща, да усъвършенствате способностите си, да се стремите към нови хоризонти? Независимо от вашите приоритети, бизнесът на FM Group може да ви предостави реалистична възможност за да постигане на вашите лични и финансови цели. Фактите са, че нашият бизнес е в невероятно бързо развиващата се индустрия на парфюмите; козметиката и това, че нашите висококачествени ексклузивни европейски продукти ви гарантират перфектната възможност да имате голям успех и много щастливи клиенти. Уникалният ни маркетинг план отличава и FM Group от други подобни компании, като предоставя постижими и щедри възнаграждания за дистрибуторите. Като партньор ще получите 30% отстъпка в нашите клонове по целия свят , до 65% печалба от продажби, до 21% комисионна от продажбите на вашия екип, дял на FM Group до 12% от световния оборот плюс участие в нашата програма за автомобили. Грабнте възможността сега. Не забравяйте, че успехът ви зависи само от вас! Можем само да ви подкрепим, за да стигнете до там!

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